zaterdag 11 januari 2014

Sweet Chile

For Christmas and New Year I am heading to the Lake District in Chile to meet up with Julia and Martina, the girls with whom I also traveled for a bit in Peru. The plan is to reunite the 'three musketeers' for the end-of-year festivities :-)
I only have a couple of days to travel from Bolivia to Pucon in order to make it in time for Christmas, so I decide to make just two stop-overs: one in Iquique, a big city at the Pacific Ocean and surrounded by desert, and one in Santiago, the capital of Chile.

   Border crossing Bolivia-Chile: 4 hours waiting until the border opens (opens only at 8am) and then an extra 3 hours for the extremely slow Chilean customs.

   Arriving in Iquique, an oasis in the desert. 

   La Piojera, one of the most popular bars in Santiago. After working hours people gather here to drink the famous Terremoto (earthquake), sweet fermented wine with a big scoop of pineapple ice-cream... interesting and strong!!

Sunny Christmas in Pucon
Pucon itself turned out to be a real paradise, settled at the shore of Lago Villarrica and with a great view on volcano Villarrica. Our recipe for a great Christmas holiday was as follows: daily morning run on the beach and a swim in the lake, followed by a mountainbike trip, a big hike in the national park or rafting on the Rio Trancura. 

   24th of December... made it in time to Pucon! The 'three musketeers' enjoying a beer at the beach of Lago Villarrica.

   View on Volcano Villarrica from the centre of Pucon.

   Christmas diner in Etnico hostel: amazing company and superb food!!

   Bike trip from Pucon to Lago Caburga.

   First stop on the way to Lago Caburga: having a short -because very cold- swim in the waterfalls.

   Parque Nacional Huerquehue... forests, lakes, volcanoes... all aspects from the Chilean Lake District captured in one picture!

   Lago Chico in Parque Nacional Huerquehue, my favourite lake in the park.

   Martina and me in front of Lago Huerquehue.

2014 starts with a blast in Puerto Varas and Cochamo valley
For New Year we moved down south to Puerto Varas, another nice little city located at the shore of Lago Llanquihue, also here with views on volcanoes.

   Puerto Varas at the shore of Lago Llanquihue, with views on volcano Osorno (perfect snow-capped volcano in the middle) and volcano Cabulco (on the right).

   Relaxing like lazy dogs at the beach in Puerto Varas!

   Desert on the 31st of December... ready to see what Puerto Varas has to offer for New Year...

   Fireworks on the lake!

   Feliz ano nuevo! Salud!!

2014 starts with a really nice surprise... from the hostel owner in Pucon we got to know a place called Cochamo valley, a remote valley surrounded by granite big walls, apparently a paradise for climbers and hikers. We never heard from it before and my guide book only spent a few lines on it, but I persuade the girls to give it a try. Hence, on the 2nd of January we are taking the bus to Cochamo town and start the 4-hour hike into the valley. Once we arrived we know we took the right decision: this place IS paradise!! Ready for a week of climbing and hiking...

   Hiking in to Cochamo valley.

   First view when arriving at the campsite La Junta... Impressive!!

   Although Cochamo is mainly a place to do big-wall climbing, there are also a few nice areas to do some sport climbing. 

   Full-day hike to the top of Arco Iris, one of the massive granite peaks, providing views on Trinidad (left) and Amfiteatro (right).

  Cooking area at the campsite.

   Famers house in Cochamo valley.

   Amazing view into the valley next to Cochamo from the col de Trinidad. A quite remote place, 12-hour round trip from the camping. 

   Self-portrait on Col de Trinidad...

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