zondag 8 september 2013

Arrived in Quito!

After a 22-hour travel I safely arrived last night in Quito at the house of my guest family.
A first exploration tour today learned me that the city is breathtaking, not only because of its stunning location and the nice historical centre, but also because Quito sits at an altitude of 2800m!!
El Centro Historico is UNESCO worl heritage, which means lots of churches... I didn't really know which one to start with and walked on good luck until I found the 'Basilica'. A good choice apparently, since this Sunday was a fiesta and in front of this impressive church men, women and children -all dressed up- were performing traditional dances. A good start of my trip :-)

    View over Quito from the clock tower of the Basilica

    Fiesta at the Basilica

    Street-art in Quito!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. On good luck indeed: La Basilica del Voto Nacional is the largest neo-gothic basilica in the New World... (if Wikipedia says so). Nice start!

  2. Meteen een stukje over kerken. Goed begin om meteen alle stukjes over de waanzinnige feestjes die nog komen te compenseren :-) enjoy! Jonas
