donderdag 19 september 2013

Big City Life

It is almost two weeks ago that I landed in Quito... 
Two weeks full of Spanish language classes (4hrs/day), strolling around in the city, visiting the house and museum of Guayasamin -the most famous Ecuadorian painter-, visiting the biggest indigenous market of Ecuador in Otavalo, having a look behind the facades of the presidential palace and getting very quiet in some of the impressive churches of Quito.
But also two weeks of bargaining for taxis, finding out how the chaotic -but oh so cheap- bus system works, realising that behind the corner of the empanada and sandwich bar you can have a lunch (starter, main dish and fresh juice) for only $2 and learning more about president Rafael Correa and his very controversial plan to start exploiting oil in Yasuni -a national park in the Amazonian region in the east of Ecuador.
Tomorrow I will leave the Big City Life behind me... up to the volcanoes!!

Going to or coming from the animal market in Otavalo?

Typical dresses at the market in Otavalo

Guayasamin, famous for his 'hands'...

Yasuni, exploiting oil or not? 

Looking into a random patio in the historic centre in Quito :-)

Balancing between North and South on the equator line!

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